Current time in London.

Thursday, June 24, 2010

Manson Family Five (plus 2 Americans)

We thought you might want to see a picture of the Manson family with whom we stayed whilst in Dunstable (whilst is another very British word to use, by the way). Pictured are (L-R) Tim, Vikki, Max, Rose, Jonathan, Rebecca, and Matt.

We had a great time with the Mansons, and, as you can tell from the picture, their kids are very cute (not to mention Tim and Vikki themselves). We had a fun time playing and telling lots of silly jokes; example: "What is wobbly and flies? A jellycopter! Ha ha ha!" Max also had a formula for Knock-Knock jokes, which he found to be hysterical every time; example: "Knock Knock. Who's there? Apple. Apple who? Apple fall down the toilet! Ha ha ha!" For those of you who know us well, you know that this is right down our alley in terms of humor. It's sometimes a little scary to think that we (particularly Matt) find the same things funny as a two-year-old.

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for the pictures. It's so much nicer when you have a face to put with the names. I know how Matt loves his jokes, so I bet he did have a ball with the kids. I hope that you are able to settle in one place for a while and look forward to hearing more tales from London.
